Two Coats of Paint — Blog — Couch in the Desert
July 2016 Exhibitions, Events and News
CalendarWendy KveckClark County Government Center Rotunda Gallery, Colby College Museum of Art, College Of Southern Nevada Fine Arts Gallery, Contemporary Arts Center Las Vegas, Cristin Tierney Gallery, Disparate Minds, Donna Beam Fine Art Gallery, Emotional Supply Chains, Fifth Street School, Good Luck Gallery, Kirsten Swenson, Land Art Generator Initiative, Las Vegas Contemporary Art, Las Vegas Weekly, Latinos Who Lunch, Left of Center, Lux Art Institute, Marjorie Barrick Museum, MCQ Fine Art, Michael Heizer, Neon Museum Artist Residency Program, New Mexico Museum of Art, San Francisco Art Institute, Satellite Contemporary Gallery, Sharon Butler, Small Space Fest, SOIL Gallery, Two Coats of Paint, Zabludowicz Collection, Zoya Tommy Gallery